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NetKnowledgy LMS REST API Examples

Please note that these are quick examples, no error handling has been implemented.

This site demonstrates obtaining access to the Blackboard Learn™ platform REST API and making some API calls.

Access to the REST API is facilitated via a bearer token. This token can be obtained by one of two OAuth 2 methods:

  1. OAuth 2 (Two Legged), where the API permissions will be based on the user entered into the integration configuration; or
  2. OAuth 2 (Three Legged), where the API permissions will be based on an end user who authorises the application to act on their behalf.

The latter is only available for Blackboard Learn™ platform versions >= 3200.0.7 and "End User Access" in the integration configuration must be set to "Yes".

For a simple and clear explanation of the OAuth 2 flow, see The OAuth Bible. The OAuth 2 RFC can be found at RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.

Using both of these methods is demonstrated here.


Your LMS server must be accessable via https and have a valid server certificate.

Enter the hostname of your LMS server:

For example,

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